cool comfort

Half-dead the wounded animal tried to make it to the
safety of the other side.   Its eyes showed its pain and
longing.  Just beyond the black pavement splattered with
blood lay the cool comfort of soft green grass.  It started
forward hobbling on three legs hardly sturdier than the one
trailing behind at an unnatural angle.  A low cry,  which
had it been louder would have been a whimper, escaped
from its throat.  Tires screeched as cars dodged around the
bloodied limping form.  It continued toward the grass, as
does a drowning man  toward shore.  It was only a few
feet from the curb, when it was hit again. It lay on the
pavement as the warm blood crept around its haunches.  A
final death rattle shook its body.  It opened its eyes one last
time to look at the grass.
