
November 97 to September 1998

It's quickly closing in on a year later. I'll start with how I feel now.

I'm much much better. I am not 100%. In April Dr. Kresh felt I had recovered as much as I was going to. I am still in some amount of discomfort all of the time. I think this is due to fibromylgia. Also now my knee, which has always had something deeply wrong with it became a noticable pain. Once you are under the veil of pain it's really hard to tell what's hurting and where.

I spent two weeks (I had a second surgery at the start of the second week) after the first main surgery in bed more or less. Two weeks of soap operas and talk show hosts, I was too tired or sleepy or spaced out on drugs to read. It was just awful. On top of that none of my friends came to visit. Maybe they forgot I had major surgery. I'm still hurt by it in any case.
I returned to work after two weeks. I was not always able to work a full 8 hours. I went in for post-surgery checkups one week after each surgery. Healing normally.

Still pretty sore...I was back at work full-time. Really really tired. December was a lesson in limitations and patience.

Work moved toward Betas and shipping....I was still very exhausted but I was beginning to heal nicely. Scars had mostly healed over still a bit red.

Working more, more betas, mostly I just worked and slept.

First checkup since the surgeries. Most pain was gone. Still some muscle aches and very tired. Menstral cycle had only minimal pain. How exciting. I remember sometime in here a friend said to me "You're still looking pretty bad." I said "I'm on the rag." He then exclaimed "No WAY!" So I guess the lack of pain and grouchiness is immensely reduced for me. Probably I wouldn't have left the house if it wasn't for work, and then definately not before noon. (Not that I'm ever an early riser.)

APRIL and MAY 98:
Hey we shipped Flash 3. I wasn't sure at times I'd make it but there it was. I worked long hours and mostly still it was work as long as I could and then go home and sleep for 12 hours.

JUNE 98:
Well then there's the international versions.. Once those were out I started catching up on my sleep. By July I was starting to feel more normal and wake up after only 10 hours, 8 even sometimes.

JULY 98:
I decided in July it was time to start exercising and joined a gym-what a headache, but that's another story. I managed a good workout and yoga class one Sunday and that was it for July. Mind you I also went to Seattle twice and LA. In LA I went to "the" concert of the year, Bauhaus, and you can imagine that was a lot of exercise. Plus traveling is very tiring and stressful.

I was better about trying to exercise. I started going on Tuesdays and Thursdays to yoga class, and that made me feel good afterwards, but every time before I went it was just exhausting to think about. I do sort of normal things now, minus weird knee things-stairs are bad, long walks. I leave the house for fun now. I have a cat to play with now, life is much better. Mid-August, my knee really started bugging me, this had been ongoing but after a second visit to the "Happiest place on Earth" my knee was horrid, and that creaking noise was awful. So Keiko sent me to an orthopedic surgeon, who X-rayed and then did an MRI of it. Problem is that I have a pit on the underside of the patella. Basically a chip on the underside of the kneecap, causing it to scrape unpleasantly across the other two legbones underneath. So now I'm doing physical therapy for a month to see if that alleviates it any. If not, it's surgery again! Oh boy. Though it' would just be a simple surgery to smooth off the rough edges. So twice a week I go to physical therapy, which is not entirely pleasant or unpleasant. It's somewhat painful in that exercise sort of way. September takes me into week two of this.

September 98-January 99:
I was better but I never managed to start that excercise routine. I'm still pretty exhausted all the time but I had somewhat more energy than before.

January 99-June99:
Shipping Flash 4 really wore me out. I had a couple ultrasounds for recurring pains in the ovaries though we didn't really decide to operate again it was suggested that it might be time again to do so.

I was unable deal with having surgery and ignored it all. October it had gotten a lot worse and I was having wild hormonal swings and bad fatigue. I went back in and we decided it was time to operate.

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